
Jonathan Threlfall
Norwich School (GCSE/A-level)
University of Bristol (undergrad)
University of East Anglia (masters)
GCSEs: 3xA* (dual science, RS), 4xA (maths, geography, English language, French), 2xB (English lit., graphic design)
AS levels: Physics, D; Critical Thinking, B
A-level: Biology, A; Chemistry, A; Philosophy, B
BSc Biochemistry: 2.1
MSc Molecular Medicine: Distinction
Work History
Making sandwiches at Subway > Washing cars > Editing scientific papers at three different publishing companies
Current Job
Genome Note Editor for the Tree of Life programme at the Sanger Institute
About Me:
I live in London with my partner and some friends. I love running, eating pizza and riding my bike.
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I gather together information from various different places and people to put together genome notes. This information is taken from different online repositories (websites where data is stored) and the internal Sanger Institute network. I also coordinate the recruitment of different scientists to write short ‘background’ pieces about each of the species we sequence so that people reading the genome notes can understand more about the species.
Once I have gathered together all of this information, I submit the genome note for publication with our publisher, Wellcome Open Research, and also search for peer reviewers (other scientists that read the genome note to make sure everything in it is correct). We are trying to publish around 20 of these per month.
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Bike-fixing editor
What was your favourite subject at school?
What did you want to be after you left school?
Nobel prize winner
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Only when I didn't do my homework
Who is your favourite singer or band?
Parquet Courts
What's your favourite food?
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
Cash, cash, cash